YOU can help us raise $10,000 in the month of November -

halfway to our ANNUAL Goal of $20,000!

Here's how you can help:


GREAT PRIZES - just $20/TICKET! Enter NOW through 12/10!

Our Waldorf-inspired curriculum engages the whole student - head, heart, and hands. Our Holiday Gift Raffle inspires us to do the same, by taking care to nourish our mind, body, and soul this holiday season. Raffle prizes would make a great gift for you or a friend. More details below...

Purchasing Tickets +

  • Contact our SCHOOL OFFICE:

  • Visit our local ticket booths:

    • At Everybody's each Tuesday from 3:30-6:30 PM (11/8-12/6)

    • At the (indoor) Fairfield Farmers Market on November 19

Drawing & announcement

Raffle winners will be drawn and announced at our upcoming Winterfaire on Saturday, December 10!

Raffle prizes & sponsors +

Enter to win one of these unique holiday gifts!